Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Two more presentations...were they real microlessons???

First, Yara's presentation was about body language in some cultures and its importance for teachers of English when facing students within the classroom, she provided pieces of explanation about how body language is carried out in different cultures, which was just brilliant.
She tried to get the audience involved during her presentation, and the most important thing was that Yara showed that she knew what she was talking about.
She got close to what Mr. Litman wants from us.

Second, Eduardo Maldonado's presentation was called "less words and more action", I have to admit that it was a little bit boring because he gave us too much information about the topic he was presenting instead of making us talk a bit more.
Although Eduardo tries very hard every class he still has some problems regarding fluency and accuracy when expressing ideas in English, and that only means to start working harder.
I think that this was not a microlesson but only a presentation.

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