Friday, November 20, 2009


I have to say that I do not like these kind of movies because most of the time they are really far from what really happened.
Although, I did not like the movie I have to admit that Mel Gibson's performance was outstanding, and he really deserved all the good reviews he got.

The best thing about the movie was that it was adapted to the 1950s and it showed how terrible the attitud from England was towards its colonies, in this case Australia, because they forced the inhabitants from those colonies to take part of wars in other coutries, that was totally unfair.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mauro's presentation

Diversity was the topic chosen by Mauricio Lillo and the first thing that came to my mind is that this was a very good topic because when we are teachers we will have to deal with peoplewho have their own views about life and that is an issue.
Now, Talking about Mauro's presentation I have to say that this was nota microlesson but he tried to make us participate as much as possible during his presentation, and that was a good thing.
There were some problems regarding accuracy but Im sure that he can make some improvements in order to solve those problems.
In general terms it was a good presentation not th best I have seen but I think he did a great job and I seemed that he cared about details because his ppp was briliant.

Pending presentation

Maria Teresa Buch's presentation was about friendship and I think that she tried to make us think about the importance of having friend around us and the positive effects it brings to our lives.

Although Maria Teresa did a nice presentation it was not a microlesson because she spoke all the time and that situation was detrimental for the audience. The idea of a microlesson is less teacher talking time and more student talking time, so that was an aspect she should have considered at the moment of planning her microlesson.

But generally speaking she did a nce job and I think that she tried very hard in order to make a great presentation even though there were some aspects about English she should have paid attention to her presenatin worked out well.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sports in education!!!

I carried out this presentation but I wanted to introduce another way to get my students involved, I tried to do a debate where two big groups gave their opinions about the topic I showed them, obviously one group agreed with the idea of practising sports while studying and the other group disagreed with that idea.
The important thing there was the fact that they had to give their points of view by presenting solid arguments to support those ideas.
I tried to carry out a very interesting microlesson and I think that it worked out because almost everyone in the classroom took part of it.

The teachers' strike

Teachers who are taking part in the current strike are asking the gorvernment for the payment of the money they owed the teachers since 1981, teacher have been asking for the money for several years so far but the Chilean state has not showed any attempt to reach an agreement with teachers.
Accroding to my point of view this strike is completely fair because the money owed by the Chilean state is something they have to pay, they reached a sort of agreement with teachers 28 years ago, that it is why I think this is totally fair.
If somebody asks me if this is ethical, I would answer "yes, it is", in this case the government has not showed to deal with this situation ethicaly.
Although students are the most affected people with this unpleasant situation because most of them could fail in their attempts to succeed in their academic year.

Now the future is uncertain because it seems hard to reach an agreement because the government refuses to solve this problem and they only say bad things about teachers and everybody thinks the same. But the only thing I must believe in is that teachers are great.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Only one presentation today but the best one so far!!!

Francisca Nuñez gave a great microlesson and she called it "Games as educational tools", this time was a totally different microlesson from the previous ones, it was time to play, and the game was "who wants to be millionaire", the lesson was very engaging because everyone in the classroom took part in it, and Francisca did a great job by controlling every aspect of the game.
Francisca was worried about the time of her lesson which was brilliant, and she felt very comfortable in front of the class using a good tone of voice and trying to be in touch with her students, it was just a fantastic way of giving a microlesson.

A very good job by my classmates!!!!!

First, Mariluz taught us about a very important topic nowadays, which was called "how TV affects teenagers", Mary did a great job during her presentations because she showed us some videos which were very touching, also she mentioned the effects of being in front of the tube the whole day, and the most important thing was that she gave a very clear conclusion at the of her microlesson, great job!!!

Second, Romina Bozan's presentation was about Management strategies for teachers. I think that Romina did an outstanding job because she created a very clear ppt presentation, she used good colors, provided clear some pieces of explanation about the topic, and the info she gave was intended to be very important for us, future teachers of English.
Another important aspect about Romina's presentation was the fact that she always wanted to be in touch with the audience, brilliant.

Third, Studying abroad from Camilo Opazo, he showed us some test required to study abroad which is very important for young teachers of English, good topic.
He did a mock TOEFL test, which was a good experience because I had never done a TOEFL exercise before.
Although he made a great effort to carry out a good presentation this was not a microlesson.