Monday, August 24, 2009

The first microlessons of the second semester

Gustavo Rojas' microlesson was not good at all mainly for three reasons:
Firstly, Gustavo used too much time explaining to the audience the Instituto Nacional’s history, and that was a little bit boring, it looked more like a presentation than a microleson, too much information.
Secondly, Mr. Rojas was not able to make a clear purpose regarding his microleson, he did not teach anything, and I hardly understood a few ideas, as a result of that the concept of clarity was not one of Gustavo’s strengths.
Thirdly, Gustavo was too nervous, apparently he did not feel comfortable in front of the audience, and that is something Gustavo should improve because the next year he is supposed to be in front of teenagers and that is not an easy task.
Daisy Barril’s microlesson, she tried to interact as much as she could with the audience by giving some useful tips in order to get relaxed; However, Daisy did not do a microleson, it was just a presentation about something, and I did not learn anything new. Another important aspect that Daisy should consider is the fact that we as future teachers are supposed to solve problems like audio failures in the middle of the lesson, and we have to solve those problems on the spot by using creativity, that is what it is all about.

Finally, Stephanie Bravo’s microlesson was too long and she was the only person who spoke during the lesson.Also, there are some problems regarding English, and those are not supposed to be problems for 4th year students of English, just remember that the next year we will be working for a school and knowledge is what really matters. There is a long way to go for her, so she had better start working on her weaknesses.

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