Tuesday, August 25, 2009

High quality microlessons!!!!!!

Today, our classmates did a great job with their microlessons, I really feel that I have learnt something new.

First, Cristobal Jara based his topic on both technology and telecommunication, and how they can be successfuly appplied in teaching.
Mr. Jara introduced twitter to us, which was very interesting because I did not know anything about it, by showing how it really works.
As a result of that, I think that I am going to create a twitter account as soon as I get home.

Although it was a great performance, Cristobal should slow down the pace when presenting something in front of the class, nobody is chasing him.

Second, Evelyn Antillanca's presentation was very engaging, I could notice that almost the whole class was looking at her all the time.
Also, she managed classoom atmosphere and was very practical at the moment of giving the lesson because I was able to uderstand everything she was trying to explain to the audience.

Third and final, Daniela Aguilar's microlesson was excellent beacuse she knew well how to choose the topic, and she suceed in giving some meaningful pieces of advice regarding reciclying to save our planet. As Mr. Litman says, the information she gave was very useful and all the videos she showed were very touching. Great job Daniela, KEEP ON LIKE THIS!!!

Finaly, today's presentations got really what Mr. Litman wants from us, and that is hard working, therefore the next microlessons are supposed to be even better, including mine.

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